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Common Interview Questions

Prepare your response to these Interview questions…

Tell me about yourself.

Talk briefly about your achievements to date.

Why do you want to work for us?

Research on the Company and you’ll be able to talk compellingly about the business and how you can impact on it.

Give an example of where you’ve been able to use your leadership skills.

Even if you’re not in a management role, you must use an example where you took control of a problem/situation.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Talk about strengths that satisfy the selection criteria and allude to weaknesses irrelevant to the role.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Research the company structure to pitch your aspirations realistically

What is your greatest achievement?

Use the selection criteria to identify which of your achievements called for skills the interviewer is interested in.

Why should we hire you?

Describe the skills and experience you’ve gained that qualify you to fulfill the duties listed on the job description.

Are you a team player?

Provide examples to back up your emphatic ‘yes’.

What are your salary expectations?

Find out what you’re worth in the current market. Discuss with your Consultant prior to Interview.

Do you have any questions for us?

Think about what you would like to know to show your enthusiasm about the role.